Besides helping you track your job search, Huntr also aggregates jobs from hundreds of employer sites for you to browse all in one place.

Browsing for jobs sourced by Huntr

Saving a new job search feed

Saving a new job search feed

A saved job search feed, featuring job opportunities sourced by Huntr

A saved job search feed, featuring job opportunities sourced by Huntr

To view jobs sourced by Huntr:

  1. Click on the small + icon on the Feeds area of the left hand menu OR click the Search link
  2. Filter for the jobs that you are interested in by selecting a Role, City, Employer or Tag
  3. Once you are happy with the results, click on the Save button on the top right
  4. Give your search a name and click Save Feed
  5. Now any time you click on this Feed, you'll see any new opportunities matching your search parameters

Browsing for jobs sourced by your organization

If your Huntr account is sponsored by an organization you are working with (i.e: A school that is offering Huntr to you), then you will also get access to that organization's Job Portal.

An organization's job portal

An organization's job portal

The job portal is a feature that allows the staff within your school or organization to share opportunities with all their job seekers. If your organization has enabled the Job Portal feature, then you'll see a new section called Job Portal on the left hand menu. There you will see all opportunities shared by staff within the organization you are working with. You can click any of those opportunities, view more info and even save the opportunities into your personal board.

A job posting from an organization's Job Portal

A job posting from an organization's Job Portal