You can download a CSV of your data from Huntr in any table that shows the Download button on the top right

You can download a CSV of your data from Huntr in any table that shows the Download button on the top right

There will be cases when you'll want to run deeper analysis on your job seeker data than our dashboard provides. For these cases you can always download a csv of your organization's data. We have .csv download functionality in the Job Seekers, Employers, Activities and Actions views.

In most cases the data download will respect any filters you have applied in your view. Take the Activities view for example. If you've set your date filter to the past 1 month of activities and you have applied an additional custom field filter to only see data for certain cohorts, then the csv download will only show activities matching both of those filters.

For long term analysis we suggest you remove any filters and select a very large date range, like 12 months or 2 years.