As an advisor there might be times when you want to log an activity on behalf of a job seeker. Perhaps you know a job seeker received an offer or attended a meetup that they forgot to log. Or maybe you want to prompt them to complete some activity like a 1-on-1 meeting with you. Whatever the case, Huntr allows you to log activities on behalf of your job seekers. To do this:
- Go to a the job seeker's profile by clicking on their name in the Job Seekers table or by searching for their name in the search bar at the top.
- Once in the job seeker's profile, scroll down to the Boards section and click on their board
- Once in a job seeker's board, you can log activities on behalf of them from the job details modal or from the Activities tab in their board.
- Job seekers will be notified of any activities completed or due (regardless of who created it for them) in their Daily Email Digests.