With Huntr you can keep track of all your job search documents in one single place. Upload different resume versions, cover letters, your portfolio, offer letters and more. You can even link those documents to individual job opportunities so you know exactly what resume/cover letter you used for a job application or keep track of interview and offer documents all in one place.

Contacts linked to a specific opportunity

Contacts linked to a specific opportunity

How to create a document

Within a job opportunity

A document can be linked to one or more jobs from your board. To create a document linked to an opportunity:

  1. Click on the job card
  2. Switch to the Documents tab
  3. Click +Document
  4. Upload your document and enter the document information
  5. Click Add

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General Document

If you have a document that is not linked to an existing opportunity, you can also upload them:

  1. Click on the Documents tab in your board, or through the left side menu
  2. Click +Document
  3. Enter the document details
  4. Click Add

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