Many of our customers group their job seekers by cohorts (groups that are graduating from a program at the same time). Wether you group your job seekers by graduation cohort, program, campus or some other category, Huntr makes it easy to view metrics and data for different subsets of job seekers.

A pre-requiste to viewing metrics and data for different groups of job seekers is to setup Custom Job Seeker fields. Once you have set these up and assigned values for each job seeker, you'll be able to filter data in different sections of the Advisor Portal by those fields. We'll tackle two examples below.

Viewing number of applications for a specific cohort

Step 1 - Apply a cohort field filter in the Dashboard view

Step 1 - Apply a cohort field filter in the Dashboard view

Step 2 - View the number of Applications, Interviews, Offers Received and more. All filtered for the cohort you selected.

Step 2 - View the number of Applications, Interviews, Offers Received and more. All filtered for the cohort you selected.

Seeing the number of applications for a specific group is a great example when you'll have to make use of custom fields. For this example, we've created a cohort field and assigned 5 job seekers to Cohort 2.

In the Dashboard view (⚠️ DEPRECATED), we can apply a Custom Field filter for Cohort 2. We can then view the Activities by Category chart and see that for the date range we selected in the dashboard (say, past 3 months), our job seekers from Cohort 2 have sent 83 Applications, attended Meetups 24 times, and had 23 On Site Interviews.

Viewing list of offers received for a specific cohort

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Maybe you don't care so much about the total count of Applications or Offers, but you may want to see the specific offers a specific cohort or group of job seekers have received.

To do this, go to the Activities view in your Advisor Portal. Apply the Custom Field filter for the cohort you want to view the offers for. Then apply the Offer Received activity category filter. Finally, select the date range you want to get activities for, we suggest a large date range like 12 months or 2 years.

You're now seeing a list of all the offer activities logged by your job seekers, along with the company and job title for which the offer was extended.