We suggest viewing the Webhooks section of our API for the latest information on Webhooks 👉

Huntr for Organizations - API Reference

Receiving Webhooks

Huntr can send webhook events to notify your application any time an action happens within your organization.

You can register webhook URLs in your organization's admin dashboard, under the Developers tab that we will notify any time an action happens in your organization. When the action occurs—a new job is created, an activity is updated, etc.—Huntr creates a Action object.

The Action object contains all the information about the event that just happened, including the type of action and the data associated with that action. Huntr will send the Action via an HTTP POST request, to any endpoint URLs that you have defined in your organization's Webhooks settings.

Responding to a webhook

To acknowledge receipt of a webhook, your endpoint should return a 200 HTTP status code. All other response codes will indicate to Huntr that you did not receive the webhook.

Secure your webhooks (Optional)

Huntr will sign the webhook events it sends to your endpoints by including a signature in each event’s x-huntr-hmac-sha256 header. This allows you to verify that the events were sent by Huntr, not by a third party. Signatures for each webhook event are created using the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm.

Validating Huntr signature

To validate the signature you received from Huntr, you will generate the signature yourself using your Webhook's secret and compare that signature with the signature you receive in the webhook payload.

  1. Retrieve the Webhook secret through your advisor portal. Head to to the Developers tab -> Click Webhooks -> Click Reveal for the Webhook record you are working with.
  2. Using the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm, create a hash (using the retrieved secret from step 1 as a key) of the entire received payload.
  3. Encode the hash in base64 format.
  4. Compare the created value with the signature you received in the x-huntr-hmac-sha256 header from Huntr.

You can find some code samples on how this verification might work for Python and Node in our huntr-webhook-verification-examples repo.

Common issues when validating signature